Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac OS

broken image

Note: The headings on this list indicate the Macintosh System bundle names; the bullet points indicate the version of the System File included in that bundle. This is to make it clearer for people searching for specific bundle versions as opposed to System File versions. Finder File versions are not indicated. 1 Classic Mac OS 1.1 Macintosh System Software (0 - 0.3) 1.1.1 System File 1 1.1.2. Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats. Apple Mac Os 10, Buy Online Sony Sound Forge 10, Rob Papen Albino Torrent, Macpaw Gemini 2 Crack + Serial Key. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 For Mac Free Download V13.


Developer Community |System Requirements |Compatibility |Distributable Code |Documentation |Blogs |Servicing

Click the button to download the latest version of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac. For information on the system requirements see the see Mac System Requirementsand Mac Platform Targeting and Compatibility guides.

For instructions on installing and updating Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, see theInstall Visual Studio for Mac guide.

To learn more about other related downloads, see the Downloads page.

What's New in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Releases

  • April 21, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.7
  • April 13, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.6
  • April 6, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.5
  • March 30, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.4
  • March 23, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.3
  • March 16, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.2
  • March 9, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.1
  • March 2, 2021 - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Blog Posts

The Visual Studio Blog is the official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team. You can find in-depth information about the Visual Studio 2019 for Mac releases in the following posts:

Release Highlights

  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 introduces a new native XML editor.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 uses the native editor inside the Immediate window.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 introduces support for Solution Filter (*.slnf) files.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 introduces a new Git Blame view using the native editor.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 adds a new Quick Actions and Refactoring experience as a preview feature (Preview features can be enabled in Preferences > Other > Preview Features).
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 adds support for filtering first chance exceptions by type, module, and function location as a preview feature (Preview features can be enabled in Preferences > Other > Preview Features).
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 has full accessibility support enabled by default.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 no longer includes the iOS designer.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 no longer includes the Xamarin.Forms previewer in favor of XAML Hot Reload. For more info see
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 introduces support for version 30 of the Android SDK API.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 adds support for running and debugging unit tests for Unity projects.
  • Visual Studio for Mac 8.9 improves the Locals tool window for Unity projects.

Known Issues

Refer to the Known Issues section.

Feedback and Suggestions

Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac OS

We would love to hear from you! You can report a problem through the Report a Problem option in Visual Studio for Mac IDE.You can track your feedback, including suggestions, in the Developer Community portal.

Release Notes

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.7 (

released April 21, 2021


  • We fixed a couple reliability issues in the Xamarin and Unity experiences.


  • We fixed an issue where the 'Enable subprocess debugging' option wasn't working correctly.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the scroll position was not in sync between the editor and the blame view.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.6 (

released April 13, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability issues.

Web and Azure

  • We updated .NET Core SDKs to 5.0.202 and 3.1.408.

Tools for Unity

  • We fixed a possible crash when retrieving unit tests from the Unity Editor.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.5 (

released April 6, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability issues.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.4 (

released March 30, 2021

Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac Os X


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Source Code Editing

  • We fixed an issue where Cmd+Click was hard to use / flickering.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the editor was read only after using the Git Blame.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.3 (

released March 23, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Web and Azure

  • We fixed an issue where preprocessed Razor pages were missing or not precompiled.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.2 (

released March 16, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the commit dialog was showing duplicated tooltips


  • We fixed an issue where VS for Mac couldn't find Xcode.
  • We fixed an issue where [building Android projects failed if the Android SDK was missing].

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.1 (

released March 9, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Source Code Editing

  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to go to definition using CMD+Click.

Web and Azure

  • We updated the roslyn compiler to address several issues with Blazor and .NET 6.
  • We updated .NET Core SDKs to 5.0.201 and 3.1.407 addressing CVE-2021-26701

Tools for Unity

  • We fixed an issue where canceling a running test was not working correctly.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9 (

released March 2, 2021

New Features

Project System

  • We added support for Solution Filter (*.slnf) files.

Web and Azure

  • We added support for .NET 6 workloads and projects.

Tools for Unity

  • Added support for running and debugging Unity tests in VS for Mac
  • Added Active Scene to locals, showing root game objects.
  • Added this.gameObject to locals, given it's widely used in Unity projects.
  • Added Children and Components groups to all GameObject instances, so that you can easily display all the object hierarchy.
  • Added Scene Path to all GameObject instances, to show the location in the scene.
  • Added support for JobEntityBatch/Lambdas when using Entities with source generators.
  • Improved support for displaying large arrays (using index bucketing).
  • Added support for raytrace shaders, UXML and USS files.
  • Updated Unity messages API (for all methods used as coroutines).
  • Updated Android SDK detection.

Bug Fixes


  • We fixed a critical crash reporting issue.
  • We fixed several issues with reliability and performance.
  • We updated Mono to addressing CVE-2021-24112


  • We fixed an issue blocking operations when multiple watches are selected in the watch tool window.
  • We fixed several issues causing the wrong value to be copied or pasted within the watch tool window.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to rename a watch while debugging.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to debug 32 bit assemblies using Run > Debug Application.
  • We fixed an issue where the Exception window appears outside of the desktop.
  • We fixed an issue where the Set Next Statement command failed with an error depending on where the editor caret was placed.
  • We fixed an issue where catchpoints didn't work with .NET Core.
  • We fixed an issue where Debugging was not working with XCode 12.

Project System

  • We fixed an issue where a new project configuration added on VS 2017 on Windows does not load properly on VS for Mac.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the solution tree to be blank under certain conditions.
  • We fixed an issue where a changed Xamarin.Forms project was not rebuilt upon deployment.
  • We fixed an issue where the evaluation of complex ProjectReference conditions failed.
  • We fixed an issue where moving or renaming nested files didn't work.


  • We updated the Android SDK API version to 30.
  • We fixed an issue where downloading the .NET Core package failed.

Shell and Tools

  • We increased the speed of the find in files functionality.
  • We fixed an issue where saving failed after excluding resources from a project.
  • We fixed a potential accessibility issue where the color contrast of the integrated terminal's selection color in dark mode is too low.
  • We fixed an issue where loading a solution failed after closing VS for Mac in full screen mode on Big Sur.
  • We fixed an issue where the Welcome screen close button was invisible on macOS Big Sur.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to type special characters in the terminal tool window while pressing the option key.
  • We fixed an issue where the build output was shown instead of the error window when clicking on an error inside the status bar.
  • We fixed an issue where alerts were not clickable with the mouse on macOS Big Sur.
  • We fixed an issue where the Errors tool window didn't remember toolbar button settings.
  • We fixed an issue where searching for 'Problems and Solutions' failed sometimes.
  • We fixed an issue where the 'Show Start Window' menu item was missing.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to restart a project without debugging.

Source Code Editing

  • We fixed an issue where F# 4.6 language features don't work on VS for Mac (Stable or Preview).
  • We fixed an issue where member _.method in F # was not recognized correctly.
  • We fixed build issues with new F# Web projects.
  • We fixed an issue where Find References is not working.
  • We fixed an issue with the Rename functionality not working correctly.
  • We fixed an issue where Extension Methods navigation search operation was running indefinitely.
  • We fixed an issue with missing support for FSharp.Core 4.7.
  • We fixed various issues with GB18030 encoding support.
  • We fixed an issue where a custom key binding for the Find Caret command was not working in the new editor.
  • We fixed an issue where Find References is not working.
  • We fixed an issue with the Rename functionality not working correctly.
  • We fixed an issue with YAML support.
  • We fixed an issue with orphaned Quick Action popups.
  • We fixed an issue where IntelliSense stopped functioning in a C# project referencing another F# project.
  • We fixed an issue with a low text contrast in lines with a breakpoint.

Test Tools

  • We fixed an issue where Running unit tests from the context menu was way slower than from the Unit Tests pad.

Version Control

  • We improved the Blame view and made it more accessible.
  • We fixed an issue where switching branches got stuck at 'Updating version control repository'.
  • We fixed an issue where Visual Studio Mac won't recognize the latest updates to the code.
  • We fixed an issue where an error was shown after copying a file if Git was not installed.
  • We fixed an issue where deleting a new file under a newly added folder deleted the empty folder as well.
  • We fixed an issue where 'Publishing Project' never completed.
  • We fixed an issue with where the alert about missing Xcode command line tools was too intrusive.
  • We fixed an issue where stashing failed with an error.

Web and Azure

  • We updated .NET Core SDKs to 5.0.103 and 3.1.406.
  • We fixed an issue where IntelliSense shows the OpenAPI client after the OpenAPI service was removed.
  • We fixed an issue where incorrect ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable was generated when debugging apps.
  • We fixed several issues where dynamic parameters were not loaded correctly from some custom templates.
  • We fixed an issue where loading Blazor Web Assembly projects failed if the project path contained spaces.
  • We fixed an issue where publishing ASP.NET Core 5.0 projects to Azure failed with an 'HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies' error.
  • We fixed an issue with debugging Azure Functions locally.

Tools for Unity

  • Fixed search highlighting in Unity message dialog.
  • Fixed stability issues with Unity project treeview.
  • Fixed handling of conditional breakpoints.
  • Fixed stability issues with Unity message dialog
  • Fixed various UI issues for non ENU languages.
  • Fixed stability issues with UNT0018 diagnostic.
  • Fixed VM disconnection issues when using Trace methods.
  • Fixed filtering of obsolete properties throwing exceptions.
  • Fixed UNT0006 diagnostic, giving wrong warnings for Coroutines and AssetPostprocessor.OnAssignMaterialModel.
  • Added missing Unity messages for 2019.4 API.


  • We added support for Xcode 12.4.
  • The iOS designer is no longer part of Visual Studio for Mac. We have made improvements to our Xcode sync process to help you adapt to using Xcode to design your Xamarin.iOS storyboards. See Designing user interfaces with Xcode - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs to learn more.
  • The Xamarin.Forms previewer is being removed in favor of XAML Hot Reload. For more info see
  • We fixed an issue where Xamarin project files were always shown as edited in git.

Known Issues

The following is a list of all existing known issues in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9:

  • After installing the latest .NET 5 SDK, developers of .NET Core 3.1 apps might see an error indicating 'The ASP.NET Core developer certificate is in an invalid state.'. Running dotnet dev-certs https --clean then dotnet dev-certs https --trust from the Terminal will fix the issue.
  • In rare cases, it's possible to be up to date with everything but the .NET Core 3.1.300 SDK. If you enter into this configuration and update to .NET Core 3.1.300 using the updater, the notification to update the .NET Core SDK will not disappear until the IDE is restarted.
  • If you're already on Big Sur and can't use the updater, visit the Visual Studio for Mac website and download the installer.
  • On Big Sur gRPC projects may fail to build with an error protoc' exited with code 255. This is a problem with macOS platform detection in the gRPC.Tools NuGet package that is used by default in the project templates. A workaround is to update the gRPC.Tools NuGet package to version 2.34.0 or later.
Top of Page

Important Note: Recent CrossOver Mac's have graphics display issues. At present it's best to use Windows virtual machines on a Mac instead until this is resolved. Otherwise, older comments below apply. -- 2021As noted in System Requirements, the Windowsversion of SIMION is tested, confirmed to run quite well, andis officially supported by SIS on Intel-based Mac OS X via thesethree methods: CrossOver Mac, VMWare Fusion, and Parallels Desktopfor Mac.

In Summary, there is not a native binary build of SIMION 7.0/8.0/8.1 forMac OS. Nevertheless, you can achieve quite good results runningSIMION 8.1/8.0 (maybe SIMION 7 too) on an Intel-based Mac if you usea Windows compatibility layer(CrossOver Mac) ora virtualization layer (VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop forMac).(Options for very old PowerPC-based Macs are more limited.)The main possible methods of running SIMION on a Mac are listedbelow, listed roughly in decreasing order of preference.

Option #1: Windows Compatibility Layer: such as CrossOver/Darwine on Intel Macs- These include the commercialCrossOver Mac,which is based on the openDarwine (Wine) project.CrossOver is generally recommended over Darwine since there arereports (as of early 2007) that it works smoother in general, it isquite inexpensive, and we currently only have reports of runningCrossOver. Crossover/Darwine is currently only expected to possiblywork on Intel-based Macs (not very old PowerPC-based Macs); this ismade possible by theApple switch to Intel Processors (wikipedia).CrossOver runs SIMION at native speeds within Mac OS via Winetechnology, similar to how a number of users have already beensuccessfully running SIMION under Linux via Wine.(Note: please update to SIMION or later to improve Fly'mspeed though.)CrossOver Mac was officially tested, confirmed to work quite well,and is formally supported by SIS for use with SIMION 8.0. Seescreenshot [*1] below of SIMION 8.0.x under CrossOver Mac.

Option #2: Virtualization Layer: such as VMWare Fusionor Parallels Desktop for Macon Intel-based Macs. VMWare Fusion and Parallels were bothofficially tested, confirmed to work quite well, and are formallysupported by SIS for use with SIMION 8.0. There also have beenreports for SIMION 7.0. These run at native speeds. MicrosoftVirtual PC for Mac and related virtualization products have notbeen tested but might work too.

Option #3: Emulation software - such asMicrosoft Virtual PC for Macmight allow SIMION to be run on an older PowerPC-based Mac, but itwould not be expected to run at native speeds. There have been afew unconfirmed reports of using Microsoft Virtual PC, but we arenot aware to what extent this works. We believe there was someannoyance with the mouse in the Modify screen in SIMION 7 (if thereare issues, SIMION 8 may very well run better there). CPU emulatorsgenerally cause a good performance decrease, and this would not bean ideal setup for a computationally intensive application likeSIMION; however, it could be sufficient for some things.

Option #4: Native compilation of SIMION to Mac OS binaries iscurrently not provided, nor is it much a development prioritybecause CrossOver Mac on Intel Macs is expected to be a verysuitable option, so time/effort is likely better spent on otherthings. In theory, it would be possible to compile a non-GUIversion of SIMION 8 (with only the command-line interface) underGCC without much difficulty, and this is an option in the future.In theory, it would also be possible to compile a GUI version ofSIMION 8 as well since the SIMION 8 GUI is migrating to across-platform framework, but it would likely require some portingeffort in practice (it still has Win32 code), and that effort if atall may well instead go elsewhere.

Any further reports or tips on running SIMION under Mac OS areappreciated!

[*1] Thanks to Ryan Ringle at TRIUMF for initial reports ofrunning SIMION 8.0.x under CrossOver Mac (2007-02).

[*3] Thanks to Elizabeth MacDonald for initial Parallels report.Related discussion:SIMION Discussion Group Post 1810.

Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac OS

We would love to hear from you! You can report a problem through the Report a Problem option in Visual Studio for Mac IDE.You can track your feedback, including suggestions, in the Developer Community portal.

Release Notes

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.7 (

released April 21, 2021


  • We fixed a couple reliability issues in the Xamarin and Unity experiences.


  • We fixed an issue where the 'Enable subprocess debugging' option wasn't working correctly.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the scroll position was not in sync between the editor and the blame view.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.6 (

released April 13, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability issues.

Web and Azure

  • We updated .NET Core SDKs to 5.0.202 and 3.1.408.

Tools for Unity

  • We fixed a possible crash when retrieving unit tests from the Unity Editor.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.5 (

released April 6, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability issues.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.4 (

released March 30, 2021

Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac Os X


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Source Code Editing

  • We fixed an issue where Cmd+Click was hard to use / flickering.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the editor was read only after using the Git Blame.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.3 (

released March 23, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Web and Azure

  • We fixed an issue where preprocessed Razor pages were missing or not precompiled.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.2 (

released March 16, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the commit dialog was showing duplicated tooltips


  • We fixed an issue where VS for Mac couldn't find Xcode.
  • We fixed an issue where [building Android projects failed if the Android SDK was missing].

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.1 (

released March 9, 2021


  • We fixed several reliability and performance issues.

Source Code Editing

  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to go to definition using CMD+Click.

Web and Azure

  • We updated the roslyn compiler to address several issues with Blazor and .NET 6.
  • We updated .NET Core SDKs to 5.0.201 and 3.1.407 addressing CVE-2021-26701

Tools for Unity

  • We fixed an issue where canceling a running test was not working correctly.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9 (

released March 2, 2021

New Features

Project System

  • We added support for Solution Filter (*.slnf) files.

Web and Azure

  • We added support for .NET 6 workloads and projects.

Tools for Unity

  • Added support for running and debugging Unity tests in VS for Mac
  • Added Active Scene to locals, showing root game objects.
  • Added this.gameObject to locals, given it's widely used in Unity projects.
  • Added Children and Components groups to all GameObject instances, so that you can easily display all the object hierarchy.
  • Added Scene Path to all GameObject instances, to show the location in the scene.
  • Added support for JobEntityBatch/Lambdas when using Entities with source generators.
  • Improved support for displaying large arrays (using index bucketing).
  • Added support for raytrace shaders, UXML and USS files.
  • Updated Unity messages API (for all methods used as coroutines).
  • Updated Android SDK detection.

Bug Fixes


  • We fixed a critical crash reporting issue.
  • We fixed several issues with reliability and performance.
  • We updated Mono to addressing CVE-2021-24112


  • We fixed an issue blocking operations when multiple watches are selected in the watch tool window.
  • We fixed several issues causing the wrong value to be copied or pasted within the watch tool window.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to rename a watch while debugging.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to debug 32 bit assemblies using Run > Debug Application.
  • We fixed an issue where the Exception window appears outside of the desktop.
  • We fixed an issue where the Set Next Statement command failed with an error depending on where the editor caret was placed.
  • We fixed an issue where catchpoints didn't work with .NET Core.
  • We fixed an issue where Debugging was not working with XCode 12.

Project System

  • We fixed an issue where a new project configuration added on VS 2017 on Windows does not load properly on VS for Mac.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the solution tree to be blank under certain conditions.
  • We fixed an issue where a changed Xamarin.Forms project was not rebuilt upon deployment.
  • We fixed an issue where the evaluation of complex ProjectReference conditions failed.
  • We fixed an issue where moving or renaming nested files didn't work.


  • We updated the Android SDK API version to 30.
  • We fixed an issue where downloading the .NET Core package failed.

Shell and Tools

  • We increased the speed of the find in files functionality.
  • We fixed an issue where saving failed after excluding resources from a project.
  • We fixed a potential accessibility issue where the color contrast of the integrated terminal's selection color in dark mode is too low.
  • We fixed an issue where loading a solution failed after closing VS for Mac in full screen mode on Big Sur.
  • We fixed an issue where the Welcome screen close button was invisible on macOS Big Sur.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to type special characters in the terminal tool window while pressing the option key.
  • We fixed an issue where the build output was shown instead of the error window when clicking on an error inside the status bar.
  • We fixed an issue where alerts were not clickable with the mouse on macOS Big Sur.
  • We fixed an issue where the Errors tool window didn't remember toolbar button settings.
  • We fixed an issue where searching for 'Problems and Solutions' failed sometimes.
  • We fixed an issue where the 'Show Start Window' menu item was missing.
  • We fixed an issue where it was not possible to restart a project without debugging.

Source Code Editing

  • We fixed an issue where F# 4.6 language features don't work on VS for Mac (Stable or Preview).
  • We fixed an issue where member _.method in F # was not recognized correctly.
  • We fixed build issues with new F# Web projects.
  • We fixed an issue where Find References is not working.
  • We fixed an issue with the Rename functionality not working correctly.
  • We fixed an issue where Extension Methods navigation search operation was running indefinitely.
  • We fixed an issue with missing support for FSharp.Core 4.7.
  • We fixed various issues with GB18030 encoding support.
  • We fixed an issue where a custom key binding for the Find Caret command was not working in the new editor.
  • We fixed an issue where Find References is not working.
  • We fixed an issue with the Rename functionality not working correctly.
  • We fixed an issue with YAML support.
  • We fixed an issue with orphaned Quick Action popups.
  • We fixed an issue where IntelliSense stopped functioning in a C# project referencing another F# project.
  • We fixed an issue with a low text contrast in lines with a breakpoint.

Test Tools

  • We fixed an issue where Running unit tests from the context menu was way slower than from the Unit Tests pad.

Version Control

  • We improved the Blame view and made it more accessible.
  • We fixed an issue where switching branches got stuck at 'Updating version control repository'.
  • We fixed an issue where Visual Studio Mac won't recognize the latest updates to the code.
  • We fixed an issue where an error was shown after copying a file if Git was not installed.
  • We fixed an issue where deleting a new file under a newly added folder deleted the empty folder as well.
  • We fixed an issue where 'Publishing Project' never completed.
  • We fixed an issue with where the alert about missing Xcode command line tools was too intrusive.
  • We fixed an issue where stashing failed with an error.

Web and Azure

  • We updated .NET Core SDKs to 5.0.103 and 3.1.406.
  • We fixed an issue where IntelliSense shows the OpenAPI client after the OpenAPI service was removed.
  • We fixed an issue where incorrect ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable was generated when debugging apps.
  • We fixed several issues where dynamic parameters were not loaded correctly from some custom templates.
  • We fixed an issue where loading Blazor Web Assembly projects failed if the project path contained spaces.
  • We fixed an issue where publishing ASP.NET Core 5.0 projects to Azure failed with an 'HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies' error.
  • We fixed an issue with debugging Azure Functions locally.

Tools for Unity

  • Fixed search highlighting in Unity message dialog.
  • Fixed stability issues with Unity project treeview.
  • Fixed handling of conditional breakpoints.
  • Fixed stability issues with Unity message dialog
  • Fixed various UI issues for non ENU languages.
  • Fixed stability issues with UNT0018 diagnostic.
  • Fixed VM disconnection issues when using Trace methods.
  • Fixed filtering of obsolete properties throwing exceptions.
  • Fixed UNT0006 diagnostic, giving wrong warnings for Coroutines and AssetPostprocessor.OnAssignMaterialModel.
  • Added missing Unity messages for 2019.4 API.


  • We added support for Xcode 12.4.
  • The iOS designer is no longer part of Visual Studio for Mac. We have made improvements to our Xcode sync process to help you adapt to using Xcode to design your Xamarin.iOS storyboards. See Designing user interfaces with Xcode - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs to learn more.
  • The Xamarin.Forms previewer is being removed in favor of XAML Hot Reload. For more info see
  • We fixed an issue where Xamarin project files were always shown as edited in git.

Known Issues

The following is a list of all existing known issues in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9:

  • After installing the latest .NET 5 SDK, developers of .NET Core 3.1 apps might see an error indicating 'The ASP.NET Core developer certificate is in an invalid state.'. Running dotnet dev-certs https --clean then dotnet dev-certs https --trust from the Terminal will fix the issue.
  • In rare cases, it's possible to be up to date with everything but the .NET Core 3.1.300 SDK. If you enter into this configuration and update to .NET Core 3.1.300 using the updater, the notification to update the .NET Core SDK will not disappear until the IDE is restarted.
  • If you're already on Big Sur and can't use the updater, visit the Visual Studio for Mac website and download the installer.
  • On Big Sur gRPC projects may fail to build with an error protoc' exited with code 255. This is a problem with macOS platform detection in the gRPC.Tools NuGet package that is used by default in the project templates. A workaround is to update the gRPC.Tools NuGet package to version 2.34.0 or later.
Top of Page

Important Note: Recent CrossOver Mac's have graphics display issues. At present it's best to use Windows virtual machines on a Mac instead until this is resolved. Otherwise, older comments below apply. -- 2021As noted in System Requirements, the Windowsversion of SIMION is tested, confirmed to run quite well, andis officially supported by SIS on Intel-based Mac OS X via thesethree methods: CrossOver Mac, VMWare Fusion, and Parallels Desktopfor Mac.

In Summary, there is not a native binary build of SIMION 7.0/8.0/8.1 forMac OS. Nevertheless, you can achieve quite good results runningSIMION 8.1/8.0 (maybe SIMION 7 too) on an Intel-based Mac if you usea Windows compatibility layer(CrossOver Mac) ora virtualization layer (VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop forMac).(Options for very old PowerPC-based Macs are more limited.)The main possible methods of running SIMION on a Mac are listedbelow, listed roughly in decreasing order of preference.

Option #1: Windows Compatibility Layer: such as CrossOver/Darwine on Intel Macs- These include the commercialCrossOver Mac,which is based on the openDarwine (Wine) project.CrossOver is generally recommended over Darwine since there arereports (as of early 2007) that it works smoother in general, it isquite inexpensive, and we currently only have reports of runningCrossOver. Crossover/Darwine is currently only expected to possiblywork on Intel-based Macs (not very old PowerPC-based Macs); this ismade possible by theApple switch to Intel Processors (wikipedia).CrossOver runs SIMION at native speeds within Mac OS via Winetechnology, similar to how a number of users have already beensuccessfully running SIMION under Linux via Wine.(Note: please update to SIMION or later to improve Fly'mspeed though.)CrossOver Mac was officially tested, confirmed to work quite well,and is formally supported by SIS for use with SIMION 8.0. Seescreenshot [*1] below of SIMION 8.0.x under CrossOver Mac.

Option #2: Virtualization Layer: such as VMWare Fusionor Parallels Desktop for Macon Intel-based Macs. VMWare Fusion and Parallels were bothofficially tested, confirmed to work quite well, and are formallysupported by SIS for use with SIMION 8.0. There also have beenreports for SIMION 7.0. These run at native speeds. MicrosoftVirtual PC for Mac and related virtualization products have notbeen tested but might work too.

Option #3: Emulation software - such asMicrosoft Virtual PC for Macmight allow SIMION to be run on an older PowerPC-based Mac, but itwould not be expected to run at native speeds. There have been afew unconfirmed reports of using Microsoft Virtual PC, but we arenot aware to what extent this works. We believe there was someannoyance with the mouse in the Modify screen in SIMION 7 (if thereare issues, SIMION 8 may very well run better there). CPU emulatorsgenerally cause a good performance decrease, and this would not bean ideal setup for a computationally intensive application likeSIMION; however, it could be sufficient for some things.

Option #4: Native compilation of SIMION to Mac OS binaries iscurrently not provided, nor is it much a development prioritybecause CrossOver Mac on Intel Macs is expected to be a verysuitable option, so time/effort is likely better spent on otherthings. In theory, it would be possible to compile a non-GUIversion of SIMION 8 (with only the command-line interface) underGCC without much difficulty, and this is an option in the future.In theory, it would also be possible to compile a GUI version ofSIMION 8 as well since the SIMION 8 GUI is migrating to across-platform framework, but it would likely require some portingeffort in practice (it still has Win32 code), and that effort if atall may well instead go elsewhere.

Any further reports or tips on running SIMION under Mac OS areappreciated!

[*1] Thanks to Ryan Ringle at TRIUMF for initial reports ofrunning SIMION 8.0.x under CrossOver Mac (2007-02).

[*3] Thanks to Elizabeth MacDonald for initial Parallels report.Related discussion:SIMION Discussion Group Post 1810.

SIMION 8.0.x under CrossOver Mac. From Ryan Ringle/TRIUMF.2007-02.

SIMION 8.0.3 and SL Tools under Intel MacBookPro (combinedscreenshots), 2007-08. From Elizabeth MacDonald.

Formal support for Intel-based Mac OS X running Windows version of SIMION¶

Running the Windows version of SIMION 8.1 (and 8.0) on Intel-based Mac OS X isformally supported via the following three methods. (Note: very oldPowerPC-based OS 9 Macs will generally not work well or at all.)These methods have been tested by SIS and work quite well.

  • CrossOver Mac (Windows compatibility layer)[ ]
  • VMWare Fusion (virtualization)[ ]
  • Parallels (virtualization)[ ]

Other less-formally supported methods may work as well, particularlyvirtualization software like VMWare/Parallels. See also .

Windows Licensing: Using CrossOver does not require a Windowslicense. Using virtualization software like Parallels and VMWareVMWare does require you have and install a licensed copy of Windowsinto the virtual machine (Windows is purchased separately). TheCrossOver method can be more cost effective.

Performance: Both CrossOver and virtualization (VMWare andParallels) run largely at native speeds.For optimal Fly'm performance under CrossOver, please update toSIMION or above though.

Memory usage: 32-bit SIMION (8.1 and 8.0)under both Parallels, VMWare, and CrossOverhas a memory limit of roughly 1.2 GB, of 130 million points, or higherper PA (when the '–reserved-memory' option is used).This may depend on guest OS and virtual machine memory allocation settings(which were not fully explored during testing).64-bit SIMION 8.1 running in a 64-bit virtual machine (not 32-bit CrossOver),such as 64-bit Windows or even Wine64 on a 64-bit Linuxshould not have this limitation.As of this writing, there is not a 64-bit (Wine64) version of CrossOver.

Excel (conditionally supported): Controlling Excel from SIMION isonly supported via virtualization (i.e. Parallels/VMWare notCrossOver) and only if Excel is a Windows version installed on thevirtual machine. As of, examples can alternately use gnuplot.

Old version notes: SIMION 8.0.5 may freeze when using CrossOver versionsprior to 7.10. Either upgrade CrossOver to >= 7.10 or downgrade SIMION to <= 8.0.4.

Summary: SIMION 8.0 and 8.1 run well on all the above options.If you want integration with (Windows) Excel you should use virtualization(VMWare or Parallels), but if you want better integration with OS Xapplications you might want to instead use CrossOver since SIMIONwill then run more like an OS X application. SIMION 7.0 works ok onall the above but seemed to run most smoothly under Parallels(SIMION 7.0 does some tricky things with the mouse that cause somenon-critical mouse behavior issues under CrossOver and VMWare).

Notes: Added December 2007.

Formal support for CrossOver Mac on Intel-based Mac OS X¶

Overview: As of December 2007, SIS is formally supporting runningthe Windows version of SIMION 8.0/8.1 on Intel-based Mac OS X viaa third-party application called CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac.This means that thiscombination generally runs quite well, and has been tested by SIS.You could run into a few minor issues as discussed below, butSIS can help with some setup questions and intends to patch SIMIONif any incompatibilities are discovered.

Version compatibility: SIS testing was performed on the followingconfigurations.Newer versions, as well as older versions, likelywork as well (or better), and other users have already successfullytried other versions.

Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac Os 8

  • CrossOver Max 12.2.1 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with SIMION
  • CrossOver Mac 11.2.2 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 with SIMION
  • CrossOver Mac 10.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 with SIMION 8.1.0/8.0.6.
  • CrossOver Mac 6.2.0 on Mac OS X 10.4 with SIMION 8.0.4/8.0.3.

Performance:Fly'm speed under CrossOver Mac has much improved as of SIMION,so it's recommended to update SIMION if you have an earlier version.In previous SIMION versions, Fly'ms under CrossOver could be 2x slower or much worse.Fly'm speed under CrossOver is now about the same as undervirtualization (e.g. Parallels Desktop for Mac or VMWare Fusion).Other operations such as refining are about equal in speedbetween CrossOver and Parallels as well.

Memory: Maximum memory per PA (using the '–reserved-memory'command-line option) is about 1.2 GB RAM, or 130 million points(tested CrossOver Mac 6.2.0).This is somewhat below the Windows XP limit but might beimprovable in the future.As of this writing, there is not a 64-bit Wine64 version of CrossOver noris Wine64 currently compatible with OS X(for other notes on Wine64, see Linux),so you'll only be able to run the 32-bit version of SIMION 8.1 or 8.0on CrossOver. (Using virtualization rather than CrossOver can overcome this.)

Right mouse button: SIMION uses the right mouse button foroperations such as zooming and rotating, but the default mouse onsome Macs lack a right mouse button.The OS X 'System Preferences > Mouse' settings also have options thatcontrol whether the 'Secondary Button' is enabled (it should be enabled).If you have a single button mouse, there are key combinations towork around this (e.g. press the Command key which mouse clicking),but you might just replace the mouse with a two-button USB mouse(a USB mouse taken from a PC will work).Please upgrade SIMION to or if the mouse scrollwheel does not respond on the Modify 3D view.On the Modify 3D window, dragging the left mouse button creates a selectionrectangle; although this rectangle appears invisible under CrossOver,it is actually there.

Clipboard: Printing to Clipboard doesn't seem to do anything.However, you can print to a file (PS or EMF) and load in anotherapplication. A screenshot can be taken using %-Shift-3 (entirescreen), %-Shift-4 (rectangle), or %-Shift-4 then spacebar (window),which is saved as a file on the desktop (see 'Shortcuts for takingpictures of the screen' in the CrossOver help).

Excel (not supported):Communication between SIMION and Excel viathe COM/OLE interface does not seem supported on the Mac.A few of the Lua user programs in the SIMION examplesinterface with Excel over COM for real-time data reporting and charting.On the other hand, as of SIMION, most of these examples canalternately utilize gnuplot instead of Excel, and gnuplot does work on OS X(see SIMION Example: gnuplot and SIMION Example: plot).You can use either a native Mac or a Windows version of gnuplot.The native Mac version of Excel 2004 does not support COM either.Though you can install the Windows version of Excel (which does support COM)on CrossOver, CrossOver COM support appears very limited, though itmight be possible by installing 'DCOM95/DCOM98'. We have not yethad success doing this (though have not tested it recently).And you may be interested in outputting your data to some other program.It is possible of course to write a .csv file from SIMION and then loadthat into Excel (rather than rely on real-time communication).

Command-Line Usage: To run SIMION from command-line, select'Programs|Run Command…' menu item from CrossOver and click 'DebugOptions|Open Shell'. From the shell run this:

(cxstart is a symbolic link to the wine command, and both are synonymous.)

The following problems used to occur but appear to be ok in the latest versionsof SIMION and CrossOver:

  • Supplemental Help Documentation (SIMION 8.1):This mostly works but may have a few issues.Hyperlinks to SIMION examples or external web pages have been known not to workin the past. It seems to work in SIMION on CrossOver 12.2.1.
  • The 'Doc' button on the View screen for opening theREADME web page has been known not to work in the past.It seems to work in SIMION on CrossOver 12.2.1.If that fails, open the file separately it in a web browser.
  • os.execute('startnotepadresults.csv') in SIMION Example: geometry_optimizedoes nothing (returns 9009). However,os.execute('notepadresults.csv') works and does not block.Works in CrossOver 11.2.2 on SIMION
  • Installation Stall:When installing SIMION, the CrossOverSoftware Installer may appear to stall for a few minutes (displayingmessage 'Installing Unsupported Software') before the SIMIONinstaller window appears. This is OK.No longer occurs in SIMION 8.1.0/CrossOver 10.1 or SIMION 11.2.2.
  • The mouse scroll button didn't work in text boxes.This seems ok in SIMION 11.2.2 though.Please update to or to fix mouse scroll wheelnot responding on the Modify 3D view.

Additional Comments from Testing:

  • PRINTING: works
  • OPENGL (Modify 3D view): works (though opens in a separate window).
  • BATCH MODE: works.
  • Opening Notepad (e.g. 'User Program…' button in View oros.execute 'notepad' in Lua: works.
  • Opening web browser: 'Check for Updates' works.'Docs' button has issues (see above).
  • Copy/Paste from Log Window: works.

SIMION 7.0 Notes: SIMION 7.0 has also been known to work underCrossOver but there are a couple issues. There are some mousebehavior problems where the mouse moves to the center of the screenwhenever the mouse is clicked. Relying more on the keyboard canwork around this. Resizing the SIMION 7.0 window can sometimescause stability problems, though pressing the Window close buttonin the upper left title bar and then selecting No can reset it.

Formal support for Parallels on Intel-based Mac OS X¶

Overview: As of December 2007, SIS is formally supporting runningthe Windows version of SIMION 8.0.x on Intel-based Mac OS X via athird-party application called Parallels Desktop for Mac ( ). This means thatthis combination generally runs quite well, and has been tested bySIS. You could run into a few minor issues as discussed below, butSIS can help with some setup questions and intends to patch SIMIONif any significant incompatibilities are discovered.

Version compatibility: SIS testing was performed on the followingconfiguration. Newer versions, as well as older versions, likelywork as well (or better), and other users have already successfullytried other versions.

Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac on Intel-based Mac OS X 10.4.running Windows 2000. SIMION 8.0.3/8.0.4.

Performance: Refining and flying run at roughly native speeds.

Memory: PA size of 125M points works. Using –reserved-memoryonly allows minor increases (e.g. 150M points).

Right mouse button: SIMION uses the right mouse button foroperations such as zooming and rotating, but the default mouse onmany Macs lacks a right mouse button. It is recommended you replacethe mouse with a two-button USB mouse (a USB mouse taken from a PCwill work).

OpenGL: Open GL (3D viewing in Modify) works well except resizingwindow (and mouse scroll bar) may cause OpenGL window to become blank.A workaround is to close and reopen the window.

Parallels Coherence display mode: works.

CPU SSE2 Warning: SIMION reports that SSE2 is not detected (eventhough the CPU does have SSE2) and reverts to non-sse2 mode. Thiscan be ignored (minor performance impact).

Excel Defect mac os. : Controlling Excel in Parallels works providing a Windows-versionof Excel is installed on the virtual machine (tested Excel 2003/Win2K).The native Mac version of Excel does not provide a COM interface.As of, examples can alternately use gnuplot.

SIMION 7.0 Notes: SIMION 7.0 also works well under Parallels.

Formal support for VMWare Fusion on Intel-based Mac OS X¶

Caillou Os 2019 Edition Mac Os 11

Overview: As of January 2008, SIS is formally supporting running theWindows version of SIMION 8.0.x on Intel-based Mac OS X via athird-party application called VMWare Fusion for Mac ( ). This means that thiscombination generally runs quite well, and has been tested by SIS.You could run into a few minor issues as discussed below, but SIScan help with some setup questions and intends to patch SIMION ifany significant incompatibilities are discovered.

Version compatibility: SIS testing was performed on the followingconfiguration. Newer versions, as well as older versions, likelywork as well (or better), and other users have already successfullytried other versions.

VMWare Fusion 1.1 on Intel-based Mac OS X 10.4running Windows XP.SIMION 8.0.4.

Performance: Refining and flying run at roughly native speeds.

Memory: PA size of 180M points works (when using--reserved-memory=1.8G command-line option).

Right mouse button: SIMION uses the right mouse button foroperations such as zooming and rotating, but the default mouse onmany Macs lacks a right mouse button. It is recommended you replacethe mouse with a two-button USB mouse (a USB mouse taken from a PCwill work).

Mouse scrolling: The scroll bars in the Modify and View screensbehave a bit oddly (but are usable) since VMWare is not lockingthe mouse cursor position on the scrollbar when the mouse buttonis pressed down.

Printing: Works provided a printer is setup in VMWare.

Copy/Paste: VMWare seems to only copy/paste text (not images)between the guest and host OS, but there are various ways to useSIMION's printing or Windows screencapture (e.g. F13) to write animage file in windows and then drag and drop the file onto the OS XDesktop.

OpenGL: OpenGL mostly works except some crashes were noticedwhen switching in/out of OpenGL under VMWare's 'Unity' mode.The workaround is to use the Window or Full Screen modes oravoid OpenGL in Unity mode.

VMWare Unity display mode: generally works, but see OPENGL commentsabove.

Excel: Controlling Excel in VMWare works providing a Windows-versionof Excel is installed on the virtual machine (tested Excel 2003/Win2K).The native Mac version of Excel does not provide a COM interface.As of, examples can alternately use gnuplot.

Mac Os X Caillou Game

SIMION 7.0 works ok under VMWare. Some of themouse behavior is awkward (e.g. selecting a rectangle in View/Modifyscreens).


  • Fix mouse scroll wheel not responding on Modify 3D view.
  • Fly'm speed (GUI and non-GUI) improved by a couple of times under CrossOver Mac.Fly'm speed is close to native now under CrossOver. Tested on CrossOver Mac 11.2.2.
  • GUI mode Fly'm performance under CrossOver Mac (OS X) roughly doubled.
  • Fixed warning about 'FontEnumerator::IsValidFaceName(font.GetFaceName())'upon loading Log window (or View screen).Confirmed in CrossOver Mac 11.2.2 / SIMION <= to this fix, a workaround is to click 'No' when prompted 'Do you want to stop the program?'.
  • Doc button may be more reliable now.
  • 8.0.6: GUI/OpenGL/Wine: Fixed OpenGL 3D Modify window in CrossOver Mac (Issue-I277)Also, removed workaround for now resolved Wine OpenGL canvas bug (winebug#2398)
  • 8.0.6: GUI/OpenGL/Wine: Fixed OpenGL 3D Modify window in Linux/Wine. Broken in 8.0.6-TEST6.
  • 8.0.6: GUI/Wine: Fixed Check for Updates button not displaying on CrossOver Mac OSX (Vista bottle).Broken in 8.0.6-TEST16.
  • 8.0.6: GUI/Keyboard/Wine: Fixed keyboard shortcuts in Linux/Wine (focus problem). Broken in 8.0.6-TEST7.
  • 8.0.4: Formal support for Windows version of SIMION on Intel-based Mac OS X

See Also¶

  • Linux - some Linux notes also apply to Mac OS X
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